[Gloucs] I-WORM/Opas.A - FIREWALLS

Mark gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jan 1 20:14:00 2003

On 1 Jan 2003, Guy Edwards wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 17:53, bjh wrote:
> > When connection was made with the Microsoft site, our dear friends system
> > said that we needed to re-load some updates, and in particular the Service
> > Pack for Internet Explorer 6 (which had previously been installed - remember
> > we do download updates as a matter of course!).
> Just to check you know. There's a MS corporate download site so you can
> download all the patches to a CD or a network share and then update all
> you machines, rather than each connecting to the net to download the
> same file from the automated update sniffer thing. I used to keep ours
> on a samba share at my old company (we had a rubbish connection to the
> net). Service packs would be my first stop
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=fh;EN-US;sp
> I can burn these to CD if you have a slow connection as they're big (120mb etc)
> Incidentally I notice MS now has "How To" articles - about halfway down
> the page. (not howtos of course)
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=fh;en-us;win2000
> > After many different attempts to recover the system I was able to save the
> > day by re-starting the system and ignoring the first virus warning, allowing
> > the warning to time out and then clicking the AVG  desktop shortcut before
> > the remaining virus warnings clicked in.... and thankfully our trusted
> > friend AVG clicked in and we were finally able to get to a Dos prompt to do
> > a Root removal - time taken to get to this point - about four
> > hours!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I'd check all your driver discs and any "backup" software CDR's that you
> might have for viruses. Might not be just the net which is the problem
> this might help:- (some Linux based virus scanners)
> http://www.linux.org/apps/all/System/Anti-Virus.html
> This is the main site I'd try though, and it's not listed above.
> http://www.openantivirus.org/
> http://www.openantivirus.org/projects.php
> It has different AV tools for unix/linux  for different tasks. If you've
> got a few Win9x boxes networked together with file sharing then I'd use
> a spare machine to put samba on and put all you important files on the
> samba share so that your data's always reliably stored. Makes backups
> really easy too (just drag n drop the samba share onto a CDR).
> You can also put your windows CD's on a samba share using a loopback
> filesystem (read the CD server howto) so that you don't have to go
> hunting for the application CD's every time Windows asks for it. If your
> using a 11mb/s wireless then it'll be equivilent to a 4x CD drive (I
> think my maths is right?) but you save time by not waiting for a CD
> drive to spin up or having to look for the CD (and finding it's
> scratched).
> I haven't run any AV software on Linux before but I presume you can just
> leave a cron job to scan the samba share at regular intervals (or
> overnight etc).

*ahem* *cough* Network Associates->McAfee do a top notch virus scanner
for windows (enquire within).

right now i've said that, there are plenty of free ones out there (suggest
look @ Guys links)

> I would suggest going to Windows 2000 as well as it's more "unixified".
> If someone has a Windows 98 machine and it's just a default install,
> they log in making a typo at the login, press enter and it logs them in
> as a new user, they don't notice, and then wonder why all the network
> shares deny them access (wrong username). Win2000 (and Linux of course)
> will refuse your login. Once [windows] people get used to users and
> permissions it's easier to bring them over from the darkside too.

But oh the licensing!, certainly in a business environment (and for any
home user wanting stability) go for NT based (heck, even NT4 (with
plenty of updates)!). if you HAVE GOT to be running *shudder* 9x based
systems, there are plenty of good, reasonably priced, packages out there.

Ok, sorry Guy i wont turn into an advertisement.

Happy new year all,


> I've said samba all the way through this but you could use NFS which I
> had no idea worked with windows till now
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;265324
> whats "Linux 7.2" by the way :-)
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;315979
> Guy
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