[Gloucs] [ot] sourceforge website

bjh gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 5 21:21:00 2003

Hi Guy,

The simple Solution I use for that is to not use graphics for title purposes
or any other heading or word that you require all browsers and computers to
be able to see...

If you stick to building in "Tables" and use colour backdrops you can get
good effects - oh, and you must stick to using Arial, Times New Roman or
Courier, the three texts that all computers can read...

The other advantage is the search engine Robots can then read the text
heading as well, thereby boosting site ranking on some of the main search
engines (as I am sure you are aware, the search engine Robots will not pick
up content of any graphics at all)...

You can boost the "Table" heading by playing with the Border widths, that
is, 1, 2, 3, etc., to give different framing effects to boost the visual
appearance and you do not have any Loading delay because the browser is
reading text and not a graphic...

KISS - keep it simple stupid - and everyone wins.... you, because it is fast
to put together, the viewer, because whatever his system age/type he/she can
view the page in all its glory, and finally the search engine robot because
the bot can see everything needed to get you the highest possible ranking -
job done and it is so quick and easy!!!!!!

If you want to see some examples please let me know.

If you could also let me know what sort of "free graphics" you are looking
for I will see what I can come up with......


----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy Edwards" <guy_j_edwards@hotpop.com>
To: "MAILING LIST" <gloucs@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Gloucs] [ot] sourceforge website

> One thing I was wondering is if there's any way of using figlet on alt
> tags?
> For anyone that doesn't know, figlet is a program that turns text from
> this
> into
>  _   _     _
> | |_| |__ (_)___
> | __| '_ \| / __|
> | |_| | | | \__ \
>  \__|_| |_|_|___/
> ($> figlet "this"   - rpm available from ftp.redhat.com and it works on
> mandrake too.)
> I was wondering if theres any way to put it in alt tags for an image so
> that a text based browser will see it. I saw somone on one site had put
> html tags in the alt attribute so it looked like this
> <img width="xx" src="xx" alt="<pre>
>  _   _     _<br />
> | |_| |__ (_)___<br />
> | __| '_ \| / __|<br />
> | |_| | | | \__ \<br />
>  \__|_| |_|_|___/<br />
> </pre>" />
> but that doesn't work in Links text based browser at all. The reason I
> was wondering is for title images where it says the name of your project
> etc.
> Also do any of the arty people in the group know of a good source of
> free images for websites etc? All the "free" sites I've found with
> photos etc require you to mention their website.. and..xx and..xx . Are
> there any truely free resources out there that anyone knows of? (I know
> about the NASA site)
> Guy
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