[Gloucs] [ot] sourceforge website
Guy Edwards
gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 5 20:43:01 2003
One thing I was wondering is if there's any way of using figlet on alt
For anyone that doesn't know, figlet is a program that turns text from
_ _ _
| |_| |__ (_)___
| __| '_ \| / __|
| |_| | | | \__ \
\__|_| |_|_|___/
($> figlet "this" - rpm available from ftp.redhat.com and it works on
mandrake too.)
I was wondering if theres any way to put it in alt tags for an image so
that a text based browser will see it. I saw somone on one site had put
html tags in the alt attribute so it looked like this
<img width="xx" src="xx" alt="<pre>
_ _ _<br />
| |_| |__ (_)___<br />
| __| '_ \| / __|<br />
| |_| | | | \__ \<br />
\__|_| |_|_|___/<br />
</pre>" />
but that doesn't work in Links text based browser at all. The reason I
was wondering is for title images where it says the name of your project
Also do any of the arty people in the group know of a good source of
free images for websites etc? All the "free" sites I've found with
photos etc require you to mention their website.. and..xx and..xx . Are
there any truely free resources out there that anyone knows of? (I know
about the NASA site)