[Gloucs] [ot] sourceforge website
gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Jan 6 11:29:00 2003
***** Reply
----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy Edwards" <guy_j_edwards@hotpop.com>
To: "MAILING LIST" <gloucs@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Gloucs] [ot] sourceforge website
> On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 00:16, bjh wrote:
> > ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {
> I understand that bit, I'm sure it works fine.
***** You have to be careful using Java code if you are looking to attract
the blind user - but I think Sun Systems started to market a Plug In for the
blind user - could be wrong on this - Java code can be so useful to stop
aspects of site theft of graphics etc...
> > *** Have used Terrapin for years and always had total stability - also
> > the advantage of the inbuilt Link Checker which saves time switching to
> > separate link checking programme
> That's a new one on me. Gftp doesn't do html link checking that's for
> sure.
***** Terrapin does an automatic link check each time you Publish a site to
the site host - there is a timer on the checker, so slow loading sites
(normally the ones built with a "flash" entry page) need to be manually
checked, but the base facility quickly checks even the most complicated
sites with masses of links built in to the pages.
> > - it really depends on how many sites you
> > need to build, and with the number I build I need stable speedy
> > so I can concentrate my efforts on the crucial text planning and
> > *********************************************
> Ignoring the obvious that Gftp is speedy and stable...
> I think we have different ways of doing things. In a commercial
> environment your priorities I'm guessing are more related to search
> engine ratings, professional presentation and getting the job done.
> With the SF sites I've found it's more to do with giving information for
> the public, marking it look respectable, and then evolving it slowly.
> There's no deadline so I can concentrate on getting the html smaller and
> smaller and trying new things with the site. I can also play around.
> Guy
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