[Gloucs] FW: GlosLUG help request

Pete Brown gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jul 2 11:23:01 2003

Hello to all at GlosLUG.

I am wondering if you can help.
We have a client in Cheltenham who is having problems with a new Linux


He has an ADSL connection which stopped working after the cable was ripped
off the wall. He reports that the cable has been fixed but as a complete
newbie he doesn't know how to get re-connected. He doesn't even know what
Linux distribution is running on his machine. At the moment he would just
like to get his machine connected to the Internet but would probably benefit
from some Linux tuition as well.

I am based in Wales so its difficult (and costly) for me to do anything from

Would you be interested in helping him out?  You would make your own
arrangements with him for payment for services rendered.

If you are, let me know and I'll send you his phone number (he can't receive
email at the moment). Or if you prefer I can pass your phone number on to

If you can not help, can you point me in the direction of a local Cheltenham
Linux user who may be able to help? Thanks.
If you need further information please email me. Thanks for any replies.

Best regards,

Pete Brown
Support Team
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