Re[2]: [Gloucs] GLUG venue

Sean Keane gloucs at
Thu Jun 12 16:44:00 2003

On Thursday 12 June 2003 16:28, Mark poked randomly at a keyboard and came 
up with:
> On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 16:17, Francis Barton wrote:
> > ..
> >
> > Well it *was* #glug on (irc://slashnet/) but it's not
> > listed now when you do /list on slashnet. So I think I was lying when I
> > said I was on the channel last night - Chatzilla lets you "join"
> > non-existent channels.
> That would be so people can form their own channels, otherwise IRC would
> be somewhat more amusing without any channels to join.. slashnet is a
> DIY server AFAIK.
> I will log a system into #glug so we have someone/thing
> in there if people are going to be using it.
Is there a point?

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