[Gloucs] barcoding

Guy Edwards gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri May 9 17:54:02 2003

On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 12:26, Macdonald-Wallace, Matthew J wrote:
> >  I doubt if I can help you with your configuration(?) problem 
> >as I know
> >nothing of gd ... but curiosity caused me to click on the 
> >links you provided
> >for mribiti and glug ... and they both produced pretty 'bar' codes ....
> >which I didn't expect having read 'I've just put it on the 
> >glug site... and
> >it's not running there either'.
> > Am I missing the point or could the difference of 
> >observations be a helpful
> >clue to you?
> hmmm, works fine for me too, and it's using the University metaframe client!
> Could it be a problem with GD on your local machine Guy?

hmmm... looks that way doesn't it. anyone else using Mandrake 9.1?

gloucslug sample appears fine to me in IE, and fine in Opera and Mozilla
but in Konqueror I get see nothing if the image is a PNG although it
works fine if it's jpeg.

Running the server on my local machine and connecting to it I get no
image in Mozilla, Opera or Konqueror
