[Gloucs] Next Meeting - cast your votes

John Taylor taylor51 at onetel.com
Wed Apr 28 18:51:34 BST 2004

Monday 17th could well be OK, but future Mondays could be awkward - I think 
that the idea of alternate Mondays and Thursdays is a good one.

Best wishes,

At 22:54 27/04/04, you wrote:
>This meeting was a little disorganised as we had no talk subject and the
>bar was shut, apologies for that.
>Next meeting it was suggested Monday the 17th May, which helps some
>people (it's smack inside our OFSTED inspection mind).
>Please say yay/nay if it's ok with you.
>After that the next meetings might be
>Monday June 21st
>Monday July 19th
>Guy Edwards <guy_j_edwards at HotPOP.com>
>gloucs mailing list
>gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
>Virtual IRC meets every Sunday 8-10pm in #glug on irc.slashnet.org

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