[Gloucs]SuSE and the Internet

jim_ashford at lineone.net jim_ashford at lineone.net
Wed Jul 21 22:22:26 BST 2004

>-- Original Message --
>Subject: Re: [Gloucs]SuSE and the Internet
>From: Francis Barton <fbarton at fish.co.uk>
>To: Gloucestershire LUG <gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk>
>Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 06:10:39 +0100
>Reply-To: Gloucestershire LUG <gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk>
>On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 20:31, jim_ashford at lineone.net wrote:
>> >Can you email us the results of the following commands:
>> >
>> >ls -l /dev/ttySL0
>> >
>> >groups
>> >
>> >This will tell us whether you have permissions set right on your machine
>> >for you to dial out on the modem.
>> Hi Francis
>> Hear is the result I hope it makes more sence to you than it does to
>> jima at linux:~> ls -l /dev/ttySL0
>> crw-rw----  1 root uucp 212, 0 2004-04-06 14:27 /dev/ttySL0
>> jima at linux:~>
>OK Jim, sorry it wasn't perhaps clear.
>We need the output of the "groups" command as well (as you, user jima,
>not as root! (just wanted to be clear on that!) Or type "groups jima" to
>be on the safe side).
>Simply type the one word "groups" and it will give you a list of the
>groups you are a member of on your machine. If you are not in "uucp"
>then you will not be able to read/write to the modem port. (This is what
>the ls -l command told us).
>If you are not in uucp (ie if uucp is not listed in output of "groups"),
>then you need to do some tinkering as root (basically add jima to the
>uucp line in the /etc/group file.) I think you will have to logout jima
>and log in again for the new group membership to take effect.
>Post the output of the groups command if you're stuck and we'll go from
>Otherwise, let us know if the step I have suggested makes any
>difference. (It could still be a totally different problem ;-) )

Hi Francis.

I entered the ls command as user not root

This what happened when I typed ?groups? in the Konsole, hope this helps.
jima at linux:~> groups
users uucp dialout audio video
jima at linux:~>

Regards Jim
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