[Gloucs] X over SSH

Thomas Adam thomas at edulinux.homeunix.org
Tue Oct 19 20:36:17 BST 2004

On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 08:16:48PM +0100, Paul Cooke wrote:
> has anyone got any successful experience of running X apps over ssh. I'm 

You fail to mention which distro you use, although it won't matter
really. I use debian and as such, on the *server* you need to configure
it to allow X11forwarding. Now by default, this is disabled. But editing
the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file is not a problem. 

In there, you'll find a line thus:

X11Forwarding no

You should ensure this is set to "yes". When that's done, save the file,
restart the ssh deamon, and that's it.

On the client, to be able to run X11 apps from on the ssh-server, you
must tell it you want to use X11 forwarding, hence:

ssh -X myserver

Which will then automatically create the necessary MIT-cookie magic that
is ~/.Xauthority on the server. Et voila. You can type away in the
ssh window and have these apps popup.

That does answer your question, yes?

-- Thomas Adam

I know nothing, and understand even less.

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