[Gloucs] Mandrake browser

Christian.Trapp at gmx.net Christian.Trapp at gmx.net
Tue Apr 19 10:33:14 BST 2005

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Thomas Adam schrieb:

| On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 12:04:31AM +0100, Francis Barton wrote:
|> Great responses to the problem guys (Keith, Thomas), really
|> friendly and helpful.
| Clearly $HUMOUR factored out of the equation somewhere along the
| line for you, Francis.  ;)  I liked your helpful advice too.
| What can the OP do?  If he's being redirected from a page to
| somewhere else, that's a facet of the website and consequently out
| of his control. I personally wouldn't register with Mandrake, as I
| cannot see how that has any benefit than using other frely
| downloadable distros.  Sure, it can be argued that one is
| contributing to open source by doing so, but there are other means
| to do so without tieing oneself down to registering in that way.
| If you really want to stick with using Mandrake, it might pay to
| wait, or send them an email telling them of the issue with the
| website.
| -- Thomas Adam
| -- "One of us is a cigar stand, and one of us is a lovely blue
| incandescent guillotine" -- Stephen Malkmus, "Type Slowly" from
| "Brighten The Corners"
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Honestly I am not a internet specialist. But as far I know, there can
be a change on the computer that causes that redirection to the
mandrake website. It should work as follows: The browser is calling
the webadress that the user wanted. Then the browser looks on a
nameserver for the IP behind that address. That should be the moment,
where mandrake changes this called webadress and redirect to its own

David, try that out: establish an internet connection, look what
nameserver is shown in the /etc/resolv.conf that should be the
nameserver given by your internet provider
Perhaps that will bring us a step further. In my opinion the
redirection is done on your computer and there should be a solution
for that. I will look, what I can find on the internet about this.
And stay in contact with us, I have sometimes discussed weeks via a
mailing list until somebody found a solution ;).

Best regards

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