[Gloucs] Green light for tonight's meeting (Wednesday 26th)

Guy Edwards guy_j_edwards at hotpop.com
Thu Jan 27 22:19:00 GMT 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-27 at 21:49, Paul Broadhead wrote:
> We went round the room and explained what our interests were and what we
> wanted from a GLUG meeting.  A common theme was an interest in having
> people give talks about stuff; something we later resolved to do better
> at arranging. Another general interest was in an install day.

I'm going to an IBM event on Monday(*), and Redhat and SUSE are going to
be there. I'll try and make a few enquiries for LUG guest speakers since
SUSE especially are rumoured to be LUG friendly and apparently like
providing speakers.

(*) The first time I spoke to IBM on the phone I was so excited I forgot
the name of the company I'd worked for for the past 2 years :o) I'm
quite looking forward to Monday.


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