[Gloucs] ADSL Modem

Keith Edmunds keith at midnighthax.com
Thu Jun 16 09:45:38 BST 2005

Christian.Trapp at gmx.net wrote:
> I decided to take a broadband connection UK-Online. What I need are
> informations about
> 1. a Linux compatible ADSL Modem. Has anybody experiences with a
> special one and where I can buy it?

Christian, I would strongly suggest that you buy an ADSL router. This 
will have one socket for the telephone line and multiple Ethernet 
sockets to connect one or more systems to. Often such routers will 
optionally provide DNS caching, DHCP addresses, firewalling and much 
more. They are operating system agnostic so will work well with Linux. 
Personally I would recommend the Draytek Vigor boxes, but they are not 
the cheapest on the market. There are many others to choose from - take 
a look at http://www.broadbandbuyer.co.uk/ for ideas and advice.


Keith Edmunds

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