[Gloucs] Dell laptops / Linux query

Alan Carter a.carter at lineone.net
Sat Mar 26 22:31:19 GMT 2005

I would not buy a dell laptop as there recent build quality is not very
good. I had a i8200 Dell laptop and was very happy with it until it was
stolen!. I also have a Dell work laptop which I brought on the basis that my
previous home laptop was good but this one feels a lot more flimsy and the
mouse keys no longer function (switches worn out) and the whole laptop looks
like it is just about to fall a part. It is only just over a year old.
I have purchased a IBM Thinkpad to replace the stolen laptop, the build
quality is very high, customer support is also good. It has also been a lot
easier to setup with Linux than the Dell laptops (not that they have been
We have a couple of Toshiba laptops at work as well and they seem to be
holding up well (about 2 years old)


-----Original Message-----
From: gloucs-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:gloucs-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Mark R. Trotman
Sent: 25 March 2005 17:06
To: Gloucestershire LUG
Subject: [Gloucs] Dell laptops / Linux query 

I'm considering buying a laptop which is able to run Linux without any 
difficulty and having seen Dell's build quality (albeit on desktop 
machines) I have decided that is the brand I would prefer. Does anyone 
have any experience of running Linux on one of their recent machines? 
Any thoughts, hints or observations would be most appreciated.




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