[Gloucs] LUGRadio Live 2005

Paul Broadhead lug at twinmoons.clara.co.uk
Wed May 25 01:03:20 BST 2005

Mick Brooks <michael.brooks at physics.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

> On Sat, May 21, 2005 at 05:59:54PM +0100, Paul Broadhead wrote:
> > Now to the point.  They are having a live show/exhibition (Sat 25th June
> > 2005 @ The Terrace Bar, Molineux Stadium, Wolverhampton, UK).  I'm
> > thinking about going along is anyone else thinking the same?
> Yeah, I'm thinking it might be worth a trip (and Janet seemed to
> agree...)
> Have you formed any plans about transport? I suppose those that wanted
> could just pile on a train... in fact, any interest in a Glug curry
> somewhere near a Gloucstershire train station that evening?

Sounds like a cunning plan is forming.  I was thinking of driving (I'd
have space for 3 many be 4 at a squeeze) but if the train is convenient
then that might be simpler.  A curry hey, even better.  Something to
sort out at the meeting tomorrow may be.


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