[Gloucs] [Fwd: PRESS RELEASE on China: Internet companies assist censorship]

Paul Broadhead lug at twinmoons.clara.co.uk
Sat Jan 28 15:47:13 GMT 2006

Steve Greig <steve at stevespages.org.uk> wrote:

> I would be very interested in your views about this press release from
> Amnesty International.

I'm undecided but have just read a very balanced article on the BBC news site http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4654014.stm where a few more facts are presented.  One thing that may be in google's favour is that they will tell users when a search has been blocked "At least if I search for "democracy" on google.cn I'll be told that the results have been restricted by local law.".  This is significant as even in the UK we never know if our search has been restricted.  You can imagine peoples awareness of the restrictions would be greater using such a system.  At the end of the day, the Chinese government will sensor the Internet, if google makes it clear when its happening, thats something positive. It might even lead to greater calls for more openness.


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