[Gloucs] Knackered USB Drive

Maximillian Murphy m at de-minimis.co.uk
Thu Jul 26 00:58:58 BST 2007

At 25.07.2007 19:55 skrive John Patrick:

> Does anyone know of a usb disk drive recovery tool. I've just  
> plugging my
> usb disk drive into windows and it reports its as corrupt.
> I've only had the drive for about 3 months and no issues before  
> this one. It
> contains the majority of my stuff (pictures, documents, coding and  
> vmware
> images), as I was nearly finished after several weeks of  
> transferring and
> organising my stuff onto it before switching my laptop over to  
> ubuntu and
> running windows in a vmware image if i had to use it.

You shouldn't have made your intentions so obvious.  You triggered  
the Windows survival tactics.  We'll have to equip you with a spanner  
and a space helmet and you'll know you're winning when you hear it  
murmur "My memory is fading... fading..."

I'm happy to provide any hardware that might be helpful but I don't  
have a lot of useful software.  What filesystem were you using?  32  
bit FAT?  I imagine that we can discard the USB part of the question  
as the drive proper can almost certainly be extracted, a telephone  
call to the people who sold it being necessary first in order to keep  
the warranty intact.

I'll have a delve through some old disks.  Might find something useful.

Regards, M des.

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