[Gloucs] June meeting

Simon Lewis simonlewis at bluebottle.com
Sat Jun 16 19:30:36 BST 2007

On 16 Jun 2007, at 18:59, Glyn Davies wrote:

> It's a choice between having Internet access or not.
> You are more than welcome to have a go at compiling the kernel  
> module for my wireless card.

But you don't have to compile kernel modules to get the wifi working  
in OS X... ;)

If you want we can have a crack at getting it working.  What chipset  
is it?  The problem you will have with doing that is that you will  
have to recompile/install  everytime your kernel is upgraded by the  
package manager, not a big problem but it can get a pain.  My  
housemate was using Ubuntu and the Madwifi package was b0rked, we  
changed it to a Gentoo and Debian dual boot and it works a treat in  
both... no recompiling modules needed.

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