[Gloucs] Compiling ffmpeg on Ubuntu

Paul Broadhead lug at twinmoons.clara.co.uk
Sun Aug 10 00:14:22 UTC 2008

Glyn Davies wrote:

> I've been following these instructions:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg
> The 'make' after the ./configure barfs.
> Has anyone followed these instructions and got it to work. I'm on
> Ubuntu 8.04?

I just tried. First I had a configure error "ERROR: x264 not found" and
had to install additional the packages x264 and libx264-dev.

Then the make failed with "amr.c:83:34: error: amr_float/interf_dec.h:
No such file or directory" which google revels is common; suggesting
to remove the "amr-nb" option.  So I re-did the config stage without
--enable-amr_nb and --enable-amr_wb, did the important "make clean"
then make worked.  If that's your error and you don't need amr, you
should be sorted....


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