[Gloucs] Compiling ffmpeg on Ubuntu

Glyn Davies glynd at walmore.com
Mon Aug 11 21:37:35 UTC 2008

Paul Broadhead wrote:
> Glyn Davies wrote:
>> I've been following these instructions:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg
>> The 'make' after the ./configure barfs.
>> Has anyone followed these instructions and got it to work. I'm on
>> Ubuntu 8.04?
> I just tried. First I had a configure error "ERROR: x264 not found" and
> had to install additional the packages x264 and libx264-dev.
> Then the make failed with "amr.c:83:34: error: amr_float/interf_dec.h:
> No such file or directory" which google revels is common; suggesting
> to remove the "amr-nb" option.  So I re-did the config stage without
> --enable-amr_nb and --enable-amr_wb, did the important "make clean"
> then make worked.  If that's your error and you don't need amr, you
> should be sorted....
> Regards,
> Paul
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Thanks for the tips. I've now managed to compile and install it.

My laptop is now telling me there is an update for ffmpeg.

Given the source downloaded and compiled by following those instructions 
was ffmpeg-0.cvs20070307 (and the Update Manager is saying there is an 
updated for ffmpeg Ver 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7.1) am I right in 
thinking the source code dates back to March 2007 and despite what I 
thought I was doing, was never right for Hardy Heron (8.04)? Or do I 
just not understand all this CVS and compiling malarkey (I don't).

At this rate it is going to be a week to convert some files from one 
format to another. Eeesh!

Is there a 'dark side' repo of ready to rock .debs which would stop me 
having to compile stuff et al?

Best Regards
Glyn Davies

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