[Gloucs] Corruption and subversion.

Maximillian Murphy m at de-minimis.co.uk
Thu May 15 19:52:02 BST 2008

På 15 Mai 2008 klokken 15:03 skrive Geoff Bagley:

> I am somewhat bothered by the number of recent incidents where  
> national standards bodies have been over-ruled by
> politicians.  In  one European state the previous head of the  
> national body was sacked after a visit from an American company.

Which country?  Which bodies?  Where can I find details?

> Mosty sickening of all,  there seems to be an attempt to divide the  
> FOSS movement,  and GNOME are to recognise  M$ OOXML.
> Perhaps Debian should dump GNOME.  ( Sob -  the G in GNOME means  
> GNU ).

What do you mean by recognise?  Do you mean that file (the command  
line utility) will identify it for what it is or do you mean that  
Gnome is going to write text editors for it?  The former wouldnæt  
bother me, the latter would.

Yup.  Tech age underpinned by humans... so looking after people is as  
necessary as ever.

Regards, Max

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