[Gloucs] Open Office Impress

Geoff Bagley geoff.bagley at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 10 18:07:23 UTC 2009

Hi Stilman

Many thanks for info.

I have been hacking away at my problem  (hacking with a small "h"),  and 
have been able to
construct a slide show.

I have found that my various postscript graphics are best converted to 
.jpg files.
A problem is getting a truly blank page into which I insert my own work.

I do not always want, or need the  typical  title+outline  format.  
Sometimes I succeed !

I have never met, Micro$oft power point.  I don't think it existed when 
I last used Windo$e.

Best regards,


Stilman Davis wrote:
> Geoff,
> On the toolbar   ---   Insert -> Slide
> This gives you a Click to add title and click to add an outline when you 
> do it to the template "introducing a new product".
> Basically the same as M$Powerpoint.
> Regards,
> Stilman Davis

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