[Gloucs] GlosLUG February meeting

Anthony Edward Cooper aecooper at coosoft.plus.com
Fri Feb 20 19:17:01 UTC 2009


    MANY thanks for your very full reply. It made very interesting 
reading. I have actually ordered my Asus EeePC 901 today (I told you I 
was loosing the `I'm not going to buy it battle'!). I bought it from 
MicroDirect, they are normally very good and I have used them in the 
past for most of my hardware purchases.

    I love the googlefight site - I didn't know about that :-) lol. It 
was interesting that when googling the Ubuntu Eee vs Eeebuntu there 
seemed to be a definite bias towards Eeebuntu despite Ubuntu Eee seeming 
to have more features and a remix/normal desktop switcher applet. 
Probably old postings or something. I'll be going for UbuntuEee (8.04) 
as like you I want stability.

    I think I'll get one of those DVD drives for it as well, would make 
a good `portable' DVD player as well (and I don't have a 2GB memory 
stick, mine are all 1GB).

    Many thanks for all your help.


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