[Gloucs] Download rates.

Glyn Davies glynd at walmore.com
Tue Jun 30 21:29:57 UTC 2009

Andrew Oakley wrote:
> Geoff Bagley wrote:
>> The old master socket was physically removed from the old 
>> location and reinstalled in the new one.  New high-quality
>> phone cable was used. I cannot believe that this could be the cause.
> I wouldn't be so sure. If the new cable route passes near more or larger
> sources of interference than the old cable route (eg. heating system,
> electrical cables, fluorescent tubes, energy-saving lightbulbs) then it
> could well be down to just that.

Apologies if I have missed it in the thread, but have you tried moving 
the modem back to the master socket? If you get different ADSL 
connection speeds at the socket and in your office the most likely cause 
is your new office cabling. If you get the same connection speed (mine 
varies a bit anyway) but downloads are slower you either have errors or 
BT are throttling.

AIUI, ADSL connections are 'adaptive' for the first few weeks after your 
ADSL connection went live the BT hardware at the exchange would be 
trying to determine the fastest rate the connection can go at. It will 
reduce the rate until the connection is stable. After your wiring move 
it may be that the determined rate is no longer stable (because of extra 
noise, extra losses, etc). However, the BT hardware fixed your rate ages 
ago so it won't 'learn' this. If your ADSL is with BT, you could ask 
them to reset the connection. If you are non-BT (e.g. Tiscali) you are 
probably in for a torrid time trying to get either of them (non-BT ISP 
or BT wholesale that supplies the underlying ADSL connection) to do 

The knowledge that went in to the above paragraph has been gained from 
forums, web pages and the like. Any truth in it might be entirely 

Best Regards
Glyn Davies

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