[Gloucs] Frustrate their knavish tricks.

Geoff Bagley geoff.bagley at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 25 15:40:51 UTC 2009

I have become aware that an increasing number of web sites require 
"flash" to be installed.

I understand flash  to be contaminated with data-mining  on behalf of 
advertisers who wish to
know the sites in which I, or my family,  interest themselves.

This is,  in my view,  none of their business,  so I installed 
GNU/Linux  "gnash" in the hope of defeating this snooping.

It doesn't seem to help. 

Please how do I tell my (several)  browsers  how to  use gnash to 
replace flash ?

Is there a prefered GNU/Linux browser from this point of view.

A similar problem may concern Java scripts. 

I find it difficult to trust such scripts,  and would like to turn off 
Java  ( which I do not use anyway).

Best regards to all.


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