[Gloucs] LAME for NSLU2

Chris White chris at whites.me.uk
Sat Oct 3 14:36:19 UTC 2009


http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ but not sure if they have arm repros'
however there is probably a source package that can be compiled up quite



PS Yes it will take ages, hence I have moved away from slug onto ATOM
for my low powered box

On Sat, 2009-10-03 at 14:40 +0100, Glyn Davies wrote:
> Have a slug running debian and would like to install lame (as required 
> by Mr Oakley's awesome getRAM script :) )
> Its in none of the default repos, so where should I be able to find it?
> An entry for /etc/apt/source.list gratefully recieved :)
> P.S. Some stuff I've read said the SLUG can't do floating point so will 
> take ages to encode an MP3. Don't really care.

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