[Gloucs] The future of Linux - is Ubuntu really it? I hope not!

Keith Edmunds kae at midnighthax.com
Sun Oct 4 10:23:14 UTC 2009

> So getting straight to the point, is Ubuntu good for Linux?

Depends what you want. That's like asking whether Skodas are good for

> But are the goals of making Linux in a
> way more widespread inline with [A] keeping the ideals of true free
> software and [B] even is it sensible?

Not everyone's goals for Linux embrace the free software philosophy to the
same extent. Most business users of Linux that I'm familiar with, for
example, are using for reasons other than the fact that it is free (or

Linux is fundamentally about CHOICE. Your choice to install non-free
components or not; your choice to use a distro or build from scratch or
even somewhere in between; your choice to edit source or not. Linux is
being used by all ages from toddlers to grannies; it's being used by
businesses across the spectrum; it's used in embedded devices where most
people don't even realise they are running Linux, such as TomTom GPS
devices; it's being used on websites where again users often don't realise
they are interacting with a Linux platform. Is it suitable for everyone?
Absolutely not, but there are a good number that it is suitable for.

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