[Gloucs] The future of Linux - is Ubuntu really it? I hope not!

paul cooke paul.cooke100 at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Oct 20 08:30:12 UTC 2009

On Sunday 04 October 2009 09:24:09 Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi David,
> 2009/10/4 Danger <seriously.nowai at googlemail.com>:
> > So getting straight to the point, is Ubuntu good for Linux?
> How is it bad for Linux?
> > Now I'll start
> > by saying I actually have one of my VM's running Ubuntu at the moment,
> > and it's meh, it's fine.
> You sound like someone who is quite experienced with Linux. I'm not
> altogether surprised you find Ubuntu 'meh'. I find many existing Linux
> users don't like the 6 month release cycle, preferring the way Debian
> testing and unstable do it, or perhaps prefer Gentoo or Arch.

I got badly hit by Ubuntu... was quite happily using the previous LTS release 
Dapper (I always stay on the LTS releases...) and was finally forced to 
update when various issues like Dapper being well behind and backports no 
longer being done pushed me up to Hardy... their decision to put the 
completely new PulseAudio into the LTS without having thrashed the issues out 
in a normal interim release or delaying the LTS by a couple of months was 
unbelievably stupid... PulseAudio was a nightmare and I had to purge it 
completely to get sound back to a working configuration again.

Let's just say that Ubuntu's stupid decision has given PulseAudio a completely 
undeserved bad reputation.

One other thing, I pin the kernel and graphics to prevent me being hit by 
finding nvidea stops working after a kernel update... the situation with 
nvidea infuriates me, but I'm not spending money yet on replacing perfectly 
functional graphics hardware just yet... my ultimate aim is to migrate to a 
new machine that has a graphics chipset that has a completely open source 3D 


> Cheers,
> Al.
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