[Gloucs] Type 1 hypervisor.

GEOFF BAGLEY geoff.bagley at btinternet.com
Tue May 31 15:20:56 UTC 2011

Hi Bob - please see below.

> Geoff
> I have used Xen successfully to host many linux
> installations on a
> physical machines. Google says that Xen can host Windows
> too but
> have never tried that.
> Bob
Please can you clarify, was the Xen itself running on a Linux OS, and if so, which one ?  I would like Ubuntu  and also Debian to be available.
For my daughter, she also wants Windows XP,  which I do not use.

What free software  hypervisors are there beside Xen, and qemu ?

Best regards,

PS I may get to see you at Message Labs one day.

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