[Gloucs] Type 1 hypervisor.

Matthew Phillips phillips321 at gmail.com
Tue May 31 15:43:07 UTC 2011


I personally use many virtual machines on daily basis to prevent dual booting.

You have many options, vmware, virtualbox, xen, etc...

I personally use vmware workstation as it's paid for by the company I
work for. Vmware i find is also the most popular and there are many
prebuilt open source operating systems that have vmware options such
as backtrack and Flint.

In your scenario I think the best bet would be to install virtualbox.
A simple sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose will accomplish this in
ubuntu and most debian based systems.

Virtual box is pretty easy to use and should suffice.

Hope this helps

Matthew Phillips
phillips321 at gmail.com
07818233332 (+44)

On 31 May 2011, at 15:46, GEOFF BAGLEY <geoff.bagley at btinternet.com> wrote:

> I am looking for a better alternative to "dual boot" to enable a choice of operating system to be implemented.
> I am attracted to the idea of a relatively simple hypervisor layer with a choice of  "real"  OSs as guests.
> Has anyone on the list tried this, and how did you fare ?
> Best regards,
> Geoff
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