[Herefordshire] Problems with installation.

Michael & Sue sm at ranyard2.xaltconnect.co.uk
Mon Sep 20 14:27:21 BST 2004

If anyone can tell me what to do next i would be grateful.

I tried to install Mandrake 10.  Unfortunately, I missed reading one of  
the help panels and Used 'custom install' instead of installing into  
windows free space.

I redfined the windows partiction down from 76GB to 61GB

Realizing that I had done this wrong, I aborted the installation, thinking  
that I hadn't yet made any changes to the hard drive.

Windows started OK and ran chkdsk, and it seems to be fine, but the  
windows partition is now only 60.7GB.  So I have created a blank area on  
the hard drive.

But now I am stuck.  The only options that come up when I run install  
again, is:
a)	install Mandrake into Windwos free space
b)	custom install, which asks me to resize windows again.

I thought I had saved the old partition table onto a floppy and so tried  
to undo my original partioning, but that doesn't work.

Some where I have a 15GB area of the hard drive on which I can install  
Mandraken, but how do I do that when, on the install proceedure, I can  
only find the two options above?

Can I change the windows partition back to what it was and start again?

If so how - do I have to get something like Partition Mgaic to do it?

Failed at the first hurdle!!!


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