[Herefordshire] Installing DVD-CDrom

Mark Broadbent markb at wetlettuce.com
Tue Sep 21 17:22:05 BST 2004

Hi Noel,

Noel McG. said:
> Do you have to mount the > CD manually or is it automatic?
> Dn't know,  mandrake has always found the hardware before and from the
> settings that are in control panel/hardware seem to have done so again.

Could you put a cd in the drive and at a terminal window type the following:

$ mount /mnt/cdrom
$ ls -l

If the ls command gives some output then the drive and the O/S are
behaving properly.  I looks like the automounter isn't working/configured
properly for the drive.  I'll try a long shot (which requires modifying
system files) and say change the following in /etc/fstab:
/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,exec 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/hdb,fs=auto,--,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,exec 0 0
[this should be on one line - make sure it doesn't wrap in your editor]

And I suspect a handy reboot to sort it out (not required but something
will need restarting and I don't know what!).

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