[Herefordshire] Mambo install

Andrew Hodgson andrew at hodgsonfamily.org
Wed Feb 16 19:18:52 GMT 2005


Sorry for tardiness of this message have just come back from Iceland and
am still catching up. 

Yes you need to un-tar the Mambo files into /var/www, so it comes up
with the Mambo site when you do http://webserver.domain.com/.  When you
are put the files into /var/www and do http://localhost do you get the
Mambo install pages?  What is the output of ls -ar /var/www?

The SQL bit is needed because you need to create the table for Mambo to
put its data, and this needs to be accessible by a specific username
which has full rights to that table.  You can either do this by using
the mysqladmin command and entering the commands manually or using a
MySQL front end such as PHP MySQL admin.  I have no experience with the

At this point I can't remember whether you just go to
http://your.web.server/ or you have to specify the install directory -
this is extracted in /var/www and contains all the install files.
Anyway when you go to this page, you can then follow the prompts (you
will need to note the following:

1.  You will be given the status of certain directories within the
/var/www directory (known as the Mambo home directory), some of these
will need to be made writable by the account that Apache runs under
using chmod.
2.  You will put in some details on the site - i.e, site name,
description etc.
3.  You will enter in the MySQL table and then enter in the username and
password and the server (usually always localhost).
4.  You will be asked to remove the install pages for security reasons
before you can run the Mambo pages proper.

At this point it is complete.

I have no idea what state I will be in tomorrow as I was going to get
the box I had it running back online for testing so I could come with
more details, but what with other comitments have not been able to do
this.  I may if time permits tomorrow try and cobble together some notes
on it before the meeting, however, this may not happen depending on what
happens at work (I am in the process of training someone else up!).


-----Original Message-----
From: herefordshire-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:herefordshire-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Noel McG.
Sent: 13 February 2005 17:01
To: Herefordshire Linux Users Group.
Subject: Re: [Herefordshire] Mambo install

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Hodgson" <andrew at hodgsonfamily.org>
To: "Herefordshire Linux Users Group."
<herefordshire at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Herefordshire] Mambo install


I have installed xampp in /opt/lampp  When I browse to http://localhost,
Xampp home page come up and these are shown

MySQL database   ACTIVATED
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)  ACTIVATED
Server Side Includes (SSI)  ACTIVATED
PHP extension >Turck MMCache<  DEACTIVATED see FAQ
PHP extension >OCI8/Oracle<  DEACTIVATED see FAQ.

In a terminal window starting xampp brings up this

Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.4.11...
XAMPP: XAMPP-Apache is already running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-MySQL is already running.
XAMPP: XAMPP-ProFTPD is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.

 I have loaded Mambo files need to go to /var/www, should they all just
in together?

I am then told to create a new database for the Mambo site.How do I do
bit? When I tried the given instructions in a terminal window it said
it could't find anything.

You then need to create the SQL table and assign it to a username (don't
the root username under MySQL!), and then run the install script.
are you will then have to do some chmoding to get some permissions
but the script will tell you what needs changing.


-----Original Message-----
From: herefordshire-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk on behalf of Noel McG.
Sent: Fri 11/02/2005 05:58
To: me at phil-taylor.com; Herefordshire Linux Users Group.
Subject: Re: [Herefordshire] Mambo install

Hello Phil,

> What exaclty are you having problems with?  Mambo or the LAMP
> installation??? I have loaded Mambo but have yet to get the other bits

At present I am here

>  Do you have Apache, PHP and MySQL up and running?

Not as such. I have installed them from the Mandrake CD's. and they have
dissappeared into to PC innards.
I installed Mambbo to  home/noel/Mambo

I ran' /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start' whcih I understand should start
Apache.But nothing else .
The instructions that I was following then suggested that I should
the 'init' files to start automatically and start adding content?

I have done no more. What next p[lease


> Phil Taylor
> Ex-Mambo Core Developer !!

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