[Herefordshire] HLUG - moving into the future

Noel McG. herlinux at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 21 08:38:12 BST 2005

Hello everyone,

Last Thursday, after our monthly meeting, we went for a drink. I have been
giving some thought to what was said  then and the responses and lack of it
on the mailing list about what members might want from meetings. The general
gist of it was that more hands on command line and programming, and such
like, was the way to go.

As an absolute beginner I am in no way into the intricacies of Linux nor do
I have the contacts necessary to set up interesting events/talks. I have
decided that the time has come for someone rather younger and more 'with it'
to take over the bits that I currently do and to organize the LUG . So, I
shall step down at the end of this week and someone needs to be found to do
the following.

Maintain contact with lug.org
Administer the mailing list.
Look after and update our web site on lug.org
Notify meeting dates/venues etc. and do  a write up afterwards.
Keep the members list up to date.
Set up talks/demos for the meetings.

There is not a lot to do, but it does need to be done on a regular basis. So
give it a thought and see if there is any way that you can help.



Herefordshire Linux Users Group

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