[Herefordshire] HCT for meetings

Graham Cole g at gcole.uklinux.net
Sun May 22 09:40:21 BST 2005

I think HCT is a brilliant venue for us. I used to be a user of a
carpentry room at HCT as a member of the charity Tools For Self
Reliance. No charge was made because of our charity status but we were
counted as a class and that looked good for the college's statistics.
Maybe our meetings can also count as a class, thereby pleasing someone
in admin! Although we do not have charity status our meetings are
primarily educational.
I think we could make our meetings known to all college staff who wish
to know about Linux. The college has a "sustainability" co-ordinator who
would probably want to know about Linux (if he doesn't already) and he
would be on our side, I expect.

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