[HLUG] distro

AT Ege andreas.ege at mymail.ch
Mon Nov 9 06:37:06 UTC 2009

Hi there,

while I was on holidays, the older of my hard drives went down. The last 
backup wasn't too long ago, so no big damage. But it makes me think 
about getting a new computer, instead of just a new harddrive. And with 
that comes thinking about changing my linux distro.

At the moment, and for the last few years, I am using Gentoo. And while 
I quite like the way to handle system and software administration, I get 
more and more annoyed by the time it takes to compile from source, esp 
if I have to install quite a few programms, like for system updates. And 
I just don't think anymore, that with modern computers I gain enough on 
performance side to justify the compilation time it takes. Not for me, 

I tried SuSE 11.x and Linux Mint on our laptop, and I'm not really 
satisfied about them. I haven't tried fedora or (k)ubuntu yet, but I 
guess I'll have to pinch the laptop again to do just that. In the 
meanwhile, I would appreciate some thoughts and tips.

Andreas Ege

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