[HLUG] Fwd: [lugmaster] Shropshire Linux Group stand at a ham radio event

Julian Robbins joolsr1 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 31 15:30:48 UTC 2013

Might be of interest ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Dave H" <davekh at gmail.com>
Date: 31 Aug 2013 14:56
Subject: [lugmaster] Shropshire Linux Group stand at a ham radio event
To: "UK LUG Masters' private discussion" <lugmaster at mailman.lug.org.uk>

In case anyone is in Shropshire, England on Sunday 1st tommorrow - we're
putting on our annual demo of Linux and other related and open source
tables at the Telford Hamfest in Enginuity buildings, Coalbrookdale
Shropshire from 10.30am onwards.

For those who don't know about amatuer radio, (more often called ham radio
in the states) - it is a mature ~100 year old interest which people build,
develop and use radios to communicate all over the world - it harks from
the amateur scientist Victorian era  but is still at the forefront of tech
developments. Developments are freely passed out to others to use and

Linux is used by many - and its our intent to raise that amount. I'm
promoting HamOS Linux distro - but we  also have 3D printing and possibly
some Raspberry Pi things going on.

We've been doing this since about 2005 and it's always an inspiring day to
meet folk from all over the country who are at various stages of discovery
and use.

In the early days we practically spammed out Ubuntu disks to anyone who
didn't run away quickly enough - but in recent years we've seen a change of
people from the 'does it work in windows huh huh?'  kind of part sarcasm
but incredible variations of inquiries and questions - usually we have
someone at the table who can give them an answer or at least somewhere to
go to get one.

The website for the event is http://www.telfordhamfest.org.uk


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