[HLUG] Future of the Herefordshire Linux Users Group ...

Julian Robbins joolsr1 at gmail.com
Tue May 23 21:43:15 UTC 2017


I really want the Herefordshire LUG to continue and get more active but the
recent interactions, number of people attending meetings, mailing list
postings etc are dying.

I sent a request a few hours back suggesting that we (I ) put on an event
for the group with a get together around a topic, like we've done before
quite successfully at the Grange in Leominster and in Hereford at a number
of venues.

So far there's been no response at all - nothing ... nada  ....  Members
always say they want to learn more and have more talks and demos than in
our normal meetings so I'm surprised at the total lack of any response to
this. I know it's nearly summer and the weather's nice, but responding to
an email only takes a few minutes at most something we all could do if we

As I say, I really don't want the group to fold through lack of interest,
I'm keen to build it up again and I'm hoping this might elicit more of a
response than many other postings recently.

I've asked if we should move away from a mailing list as we have now, but
generally the (few) responses indicated that was fine and to stay as we
are. I'm happy to use or build another tool if it would help ..

There will be a meeting tomorrow as I will be going. It will be at the
Courtyard at 7.30pm upstairs on Mezzanine as usual.

I would like as many members as possible to come along even if you can only
be there for a short while, or alternatively if you can be available online
so we can discuss things further about restarting the group and providing
more impetus and what folk really want out of the group, and *more
importantly* what they can put IN.

I just I hope I'm not the only one attending tomorrow ..................


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