[HLUG] Raspberry PI Commercial project ?

Ceri Williams hlug at incoming-email.co.uk
Fri Nov 22 08:22:33 UTC 2024

Hi Julian,

I'd certainly be happy to at least discuss it in more detail and possibly
get involved further. I can think of a few possibilities in terms of system
architecture to then use Grafana for dashboards on the wallboard.



On Thursday, 21 November 2024, Julian Robbins via Herefordshire <
herefordshire at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I recently received this email that came via our website to the group.
> Does anyone have any time to help with this? It appears they would be happy
> to pay to get something set-up, so may be a nice project to get involved
> with in the group
> I suggest if anyone has any comments/suggestions to discuss just in the
> group for now, and then I can email/call Richard afterwards about this, if
> we wish to take this forward.
> I think there are some existing projects for the software that can do this
> already, ie advertising boards used with Raspberry Pis. That may be a good
> start....
> Thanks
> Julian
> Hi, I came across your website and wondered if you would be able to help?!
> We have a factory based in Hereford, and we're looking to implement a live
> KPI output board.  The idea has been suggested of using Raspberry Pi mini
> computers with tally push buttons for each operator, and the tally of each
> operators' output then displayed on a large monitor.  I don't have any
> experience of Raspberry Pi computing, but came across your website and I
> wondered if you/your members would consider taking on a commercial project
> like this?
> Look forward to hearing from you.
> Richard Jenner, Evergreen Shutters Ltd 01432 513114
> --
> Herefordshire LUG mailing list
> Web:  http://www.herefordshire.lug.org.uk
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