[Herts] Youtube without Flash

Mike - XP Computers mike at xpcomputers.co.uk
Sat Sep 5 18:06:24 UTC 2009

I was dealing with a customer's Windows machine the other day, and they
had an old Realplayer plug-in for Firefox that apparently downloads
YouTube video clips (which they needed updating for the switch to
Firefox 3.5 which is how I got involved and had to research it). The
point here, is that the Realplayer Plug-in apparently has a huge devoted
following, is a couple of years old and yet seemingly has never been
blocked! So hopefully the same will apply for the greasemonkey script...
Which would be good news for everyone!

I was hoping to come across to join you, but I can't make the 9th, maybe
I'll manage Oct! 

I'm a friend of David Honour, and live over in Hertford. I'm fascinated
by Linux (since reading a book about it in about 1997!), although my
Linux experience is mainly focused on web hosting end of Linux things,
as I've never found the time to more than dabble here and there on the
desktop front... I hope that will change, although as ever, time is the
big issue! I run my own business fixing computers, which demands an
intricate knowledge of Windows systems, as that is what all my clients
require of me, so that is what I currently use on my own machines daily,
to keep me up to date. My new business venture is in Web hosting though,
so that will allow (and even demand) more Linux knowledge, and if I can
make that successful, I'll happily leave my current Windows customers
behind! Anyway, I look forward to meeting everyone, and getting myself
more acquainted with Linux stuff.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: herts-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk 
> [mailto:herts-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Steve Clark
> Sent: 05 September 2009 11:42
> To: Herts LUG
> Subject: [Herts] Youtube without Flash
> I just heard about this on the Ubuntu UK Podcast
> http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/
> It's a script you use with Greasemonkey in Firefox that shows 
> the video by 
> embedding mplayer in the web page. It includes the option to 
> download the 
> video. This probably breaks Youtube's TOS, so it may get 
> blocked at some point
> http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/38074
> This may be useful to those who won't/can't use Flash. I 
> don't know how good 
> the open alternatives, e.g. Gnash, are these days. I know 
> Youtube is full of 
> rubbish, but there is a lot of genuinely useful and 
> interesting material on 
> there. I frequently use it for guitar tutorials.
> BTW I may have found a way to fix my sound when it dies by 
> restarting asla-
> utils
> sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart
> I just have to check that nothing is using sound at the time with
> lsof | grep pcm
> That worked yesterday. I'll try it again next time I have a 
> problem. It would 
> be better to know what causes the sound to die in the first 
> place. I've tried 
> looking at log files, but don't see anything obvious.
> -- 
> Steve
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