[Klug-general] Crisis Meeting

George Prowse cokehabit2003 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 17 21:50:35 BST 2005

I think splitting the small group we have even smaller would just be
sillyif we are getting 3-6 people each time whats going to happen when
there are 3 LUGs around kent, thats 1-2 people in each one... No-one
will go. Lets face facts here as well, 99.9% of people who use linux
know what a LUG is and there just isn't the interest in Kent to start
splitting the groups up.

What would be better would be to either start car-pooling more or  try a
different location every couple of months. I'm more than willing to try
to get to somewhere closer to Margot if it means she can attend a couple
of times but i would still like to see Kevin, Paully, Dan, Karl and
Allen there.


Kevin Groves wrote:

> OK to follow on from this if those who do want a travelling KLUG to
> visit their town could sling off of this email their town and the name
> (post code would be good) of say a couple of suitable locations
> (town/village hall, good pub etc), and we can talk about this happening.
> THanks
> Kev,

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