[Klug-general] Hello and an Introduction

Kevin Groves kevin.groves at kentpharm.co.uk
Thu Apr 27 13:49:49 BST 2006

Karl Lattimer wrote:

>>Yes C is very cool.
>Do you use kernel/doc/CodingStyle only the truly elite C programmer
>does ;)
Looked at it once and then thought. Oh hell, I'm the only one who's 
going to look at my code. :-)

>How about structures pointing at pointers to structures of the same type
>which contain arrays of pointers pointing to pointers of structures.
>C, its wonderfully suck at times ;)
I've found pointers to pointers and arrays of function pointers to be 
the only pratical use. Any more than that it's not worth it.

>truly C# is the way ahead, well either C# or java, I'm still not sure
>which is the best for the job looking forward. Java has been around a
>while and is stable, strong and easy to get to grips with, however Suns
We'll see. I didnt think C would be around the length of time it has 
been. Then there are other languages like COBOL still going.

Cost to change old stuff is the key.

>Thats probably the best part of OOp, especially when you take an MVC
>(model view controller) approach, you're model holds the data, objects
>and all other things which represent your real world entities, your view
>is purely UI, and your controller mediates between the two. 
Yes learnt all that when doing SmallTalk. The proper way to do OO.


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