[Klug-general] Hello and an Introduction

Karl Lattimer karl at nncc.info
Thu Apr 27 13:24:46 BST 2006

> Yes C is very cool.

Do you use kernel/doc/CodingStyle only the truly elite C programmer
does ;)

> >>(ignoring function pointers structures and list and tree entities) is
> >>    
> >>
> The best bit IMHO. Arrays of pointers to functions or pointers to 
> pointers. Wonderful stuff.

How about structures pointing at pointers to structures of the same type
which contain arrays of pointers pointing to pointers of structures.

C, its wonderfully suck at times ;)

> >>
> C++ I use a fair bit, mostly doing ODBC via the unixODBC libs which tend 
> towards C++. It's not bad, a bit of a hack to get it to do OO. Java is 
> better at it, and there are a fair number of bugs in C++ which catch you 
> out if yo're not careful.

Java is better, end of... The main problem with OOp and C++ is that
you've gotta actually remember what you need to dereference from the
heap and to take it off the heap to prevent strange corruption, for the
most part you're still doing the self same memory management and pointer
allocation you do in C, well except you have references also ;) I think
truly C# is the way ahead, well either C# or java, I'm still not sure
which is the best for the job looking forward. Java has been around a
while and is stable, strong and easy to get to grips with, however Suns
control of java has been a bit of a problem at times, for instance not
allowing the inclusion of binaries of distribution libraries for GTK for

> One of the best things was a recent thing I did. I had a C program I had 
> devloped for someone on the Palm. I then converted it to C++ to adstract 
> the logic from the UI. Then because Palm is a dying technology I spent a 
> weekend with a book on learning Java and managed to migrate the C++ to 
> Java Mobile Edition for mobile phones. The logic and calcs moved 
> straight over and I then just had to change the UI. I'm quite amazed at 
> how easy it was to port C++ and even more so that OO does actually work 
> for cross platform migration. OK a small application but it saved a 
> complete rewrite.

Thats probably the best part of OOp, especially when you take an MVC
(model view controller) approach, you're model holds the data, objects
and all other things which represent your real world entities, your view
is purely UI, and your controller mediates between the two. 

> >>Perverse Eclectic Rubbish Lister ;) perl is good, there is a tendancy
> >>for people to rely on it in system administration and it can become very
> >>messy very quickly. IMHO perl only has a single redeeming feature which
> >>is the extensive support for regular expressions, perl is primarily a
> >>text processor, so if you wanted to expand the script you previously
> >>    
> >>
> Perl is awesome. The module extensions at CPAN in particular. I never 
> really got into until I started doing perl CGI because I couldnt get PHP 
> working on my embedded platform.

perl-cgi is like giving a child the button to the american atomic bomb
facilities, if its not done right, the end is nigh! It is in most cases
trivial to exploit badly written perl-cgi, and its easy to write bad
perl-cgi. These two things in combination result in a problem which can
only be overcome with a proper web language like php. php makes bad perl
programmers better, and good perl programmers proficient.


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