[Klug-general] KLUG IRC

George Prowse cokehabit at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 02:09:24 BST 2006

irssi > *

On 17/07/06, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 10:51:31AM +0100, Peter Childs wrote:
> > Right I know a list came up on irc packages but which one works the
> > best. I've never really used IRC all that much always seams to
> > complicated.
> >
> If you're on Linux and you have a GUI I'd recommend xchat.
> IRC is no more or less complicated than anything else computery. There's
> some basics that you need to know (which is in the mail I sent and there's
> links to documentation there too). Once you're online, have a play and see
> what else you can pick up.
> I have been a near-constant (i.e. I use it every day) user of IRC for about
> the last 4 years now. I'm no expert, but just a user.
> Cheers,
> Al.
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