[Klug-general] mapping windows shares in a domain

alan alan at comm-tech.org
Fri Jul 21 10:19:18 BST 2006

If I try to mount a remote share with an incorrect password i get this:

965: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)
SMB connection failed

What version of samba is the server running.... or what version of doze 
is it infected with?

Dan Attwood wrote:
> ok.
> It fails at the last command with:
> 5467: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)
> SMB connection failed
> I can access the share no problem via the network browser in nautilus, 
> however apart form being slow this doesn't give thumbnails for 
> pictures or allow and collection to be made with something like F-spot 
> - with 25,000 odd pictures on our drives a decent photo manager is 
> pretty important.
> dan
> On 21/07/06, *alan* < alan at comm-tech.org <mailto:alan at comm-tech.org>> 
> wrote:
>     #Try a step by step with smb. The problem with mounting smb shares
>     is usually with permissions. Let us know how far you get in these
>     steps, that will give a clue to the problem.
>     smbclient -L serverIPaddress -U smb-username
>     (enter password)
>     #You should see a bunch of shares listed, as well as the other
>     stuff collected from other smb browsers. If that worked then try:
>     smbclient //serverIPaddress/sharename -U your-smb-username
>     (enter password)
>     #This should give you a little ftp-like native smb-client prompt.
>     If this worked (exit to get out) then try actually mounting an smb
>     share
>     sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=your-smb-username
>     //ipaddress/sharename /mnt/mountpoint (all on 1 line)
>     #That will mount it as readonly for anyone except root, but if
>     that works then your ready  for the fstab. The equivalent fstab
>     entry is like this: 
>     //ipaddress/sharename      /mnt/mountpoint  smbfs  
>     username=your-smb-username,password=yourpassword   0 0 (all on 1 line)
>     sudo mount /mnt/mountpoint
>     Have found in dapper that using smb:///username@serverIP/sharename
>     in address bar of nautilus can access smb devices normal user
>     read/write no problems..
>     =================================
>     Dan Attwood wrote:
>     I've been buggering about with Ubuntu at work again and I've been
>     trying to make mapping shares to my domain server work, with vert
>     little sucess.
>     I've followed the instructions on the unofficial ubuntu guide and
>     as such i've created a .smbcredentials with my username and
>     password, i've created the local folder to map the share to and
>     i've created a line in fstab
>     When ever i run sudo mount -a it goes away and does it's thing
>     without complaining. when I try an open the  local folder though
>     it won't work, it just says 'access was denied'
>     I've also tried smb4k which shows all the shares as greyed out.
>     hmmmm
>     dan
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