[Klug-general] Debian 4.0 released
George Prowse
cokehabit at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 13:55:35 BST 2007
J D Freeman wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 08:49:27AM +0100, Karl Latimer wrote:
>> On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 01:10 +0100, J D Freeman wrote:
>> Who let her out of the cage?
> Love you too.
>>> In the UNIX world, the border line between what is, and isn't a server
>>> is so thin and so blurred as to make the idea of a "server" version of a
>>> distro, IMHO, laughable.
>> Funny, I'd have thought that DVD's full of packages was laughable
>> myself, 4.3Gb for Fedora, then stripping the bugger down into a server
>> is a pain in the arse... mind you, 600-700Mb is quite nice, and doesn't
>> come with all that useless crap.
> I would say a DVD full is laughable as well. Its been along time since I
> used a cd to install an OS (I tend to use debootstrap). Last time I
> installed debian, it was just over 90 meg. There is no stripping it down
> for the server. There is no pissing around removing stuff you don't
> need. This is why I suggest there is no real difference. Cos from this
> 90 meg install, I can apt-get install xwindows or I can apt-get install
> apache, (or both if I wish). I can then tailor it to what I want,
> without having to first remove stuff I don't want.
>> Maybe YOU are right JD, maybe the major distributors are wrong... I
>> doubt it.
> Or, how about, all the major distributors are wrong, AND I am? Keep an
> open mind to all options!
>> LMFAO, I'm going to refrain from saying what is on my mind to that.
> Awww, feel free to mail me off list, I am curious to hear this.
>> START LIVING IN THE HERE AND NOW!!! FCS its always the same with you,
>> just bugger off and write everything in hex for eniac will you, adding
>> features, bug fixes and optimisation that comes with every release is
>> important to stability.
> Not all bug fixes fix bugs (old bugs out, new bugs in), not all features
> are needed, not all optimisations are worth having. Consider not every
> install is the same, not everyone needs the same things. I am not
> suggesting you should forsake all redhat and move to debian. What I am
> suggesting is you stop slagging it off when you clearly don't know what
> you are talking about. And accept that debian as an equally valid
> choice. You like mint icecream, I like chocolate. Both valid choices.
>> How many 2.6 kernel patches are back ported to 2.4? Should we all run
>> apache 1.3?
> Funny you should mention that, I use apache 1.3 on several servers cos
> it just bloody well works. I often get support requests from people
> having problems with the new "FEATURES" of apache 2, and find that
> ultimately 1.3 does what is needed. As for the kernel, tbh, anything 2.4
> and onwards seems to be enough for the hardware I have at home. You have
> to ask youself when you sit down to make a decision like this, what are
> the benifits of the latest and greatest, what are the risks. Based on
> this risk analysis, make a decision. What your acceptable level of risk
> is, is entirely your call. I have a much lower level of acceptable level
> of risk than many others. This is why some of my customers VM's are
> reaching 550 day uptimes.
>> Hmm, I think the quality control that apache does is good on its own,
>> coupled with the redhat/ubuntu testing and all other distros putting
>> their ore in help.
> Apache quality control is pretty good. Add the debian control on top of
> that and what you get is fscking brilliant. Why settle for "pretty good"
> when you can have the best?
>> Grow up JD, and stop replying to this list to have someone to argue
>> with... I'm not going to entertain you I suggest others don't either.
> I don't need to reply to the list to have someone to argue with, thats
> what I have IRC for. No, I am replying as I hate to see someone going
> off at one about something they clearly seem to show little
> understanding of. Especially when many of the developers they are
> slagging off are people I consider friends, and one thing I will not do
> is stand by and watch someone slag off a friend.
> J
/me thinks you two should get a room ;)
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