[Klug-general] So, this new iPhone

J D Freeman klug at quixotic.org.uk
Wed Jan 10 19:59:44 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 07:32:17PM +0000, Karl Lattimer wrote:
> I top posted because I wanted it to be the last word. your counter  
> arguments suggest an archaic view of technology and bitterness that I  
> neither have the time or inclination to understand. You seem anti- 
> progress, I'm all for it, I love to see innovation like google earth,  
> like osx and like the nokia 770, the ipod and iphone are brilliantly  
> designed, give them their due instead of being bitter about their  
> success. I suggest you wait until it comes out, until you fill your  
> hump of hate because you'll end up ranting and becoming more bitter  
> if you don't hold off on the hate hoarding.

Oh I am all for innovation, I am all in favour of good products. I just
think that some things are already very good products and just cos they
aren't the latest, doesn't mean they aren't the greatest. Consider the
addage, reinventing the wheel. Alot of stuff that is coming out now, we
had years ago. See:

Fancy GUI on Vista
	- Mac OS ~1984 anyone?
	- IBM Z series anyone?

Just two simple examples of oh so revolutionary things which quite
frankly, aren't. 

When Mac OS X Leopard was released my housemate (worship in the house of
apple) was all wonderfully bouncy about all these amazing "new"
features, which I had been using on my machine for the last few years.
New eh?

I am not disputing the fact that the iPhone will become a success, its
an apple product, apple are very good at this. However, before the world
comes up with the "ooh yay this is the greatest phone ever" I wanted to
put forth why I think we need to be not so hasty in this conclusion.

And while we are on the subject of innovation. Tell me, just how far
have we come in the last 40 years? How has the computer changed?

Has it? I mean really? Ok it might be faster, the graphics might be more
pretty. But ultimately, you are still sat there in a mantra of 1

One Keyboard, One Mouse, One Monitor, One Computer, One task, One user.


We still look at computers the same way, we still use them for the same
things really. Nothing has changed.

And when you look at programming languages, and the brain damage they
have in them these days, you realise that algol68 isn't that bad after

I want to see something really revolutionary, something amazing. I just
am not seeing it. 

> BTW, this time i posted because i'd like to see it as the last word,  
> and for posterity of the archive ;) and I still think it was people  
> like you who killed jesus, after all that wii will bring peace to the  
> middle east so we're all OK.

Ah, so you have to have the last word. Goody.

Did we kill jesus? Dunno, Personally I am a pagan, so that probably
means I already get a black mark. 

I do however suggest that before you jump on the OOOH ITS APPLE IT MUST
BE GOOD! think first. Work out if it really is as good as it makes out,
and for the love of god and all that is holy, recognise that it might
not be perfect!


PS You coming to the pub on friday?

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