[Klug-general] So, this new iPhone

Karl Lattimer karl at qdh.org.uk
Wed Jan 10 19:31:47 GMT 2007

I top posted because I wanted it to be the last word. your counter  
arguments suggest an archaic view of technology and bitterness that I  
neither have the time or inclination to understand. You seem anti- 
progress, I'm all for it, I love to see innovation like google earth,  
like osx and like the nokia 770, the ipod and iphone are brilliantly  
designed, give them their due instead of being bitter about their  
success. I suggest you wait until it comes out, until you fill your  
hump of hate because you'll end up ranting and becoming more bitter  
if you don't hold off on the hate hoarding.


BTW, this time i posted because i'd like to see it as the last word,  
and for posterity of the archive ;) and I still think it was people  
like you who killed jesus, after all that wii will bring peace to the  
middle east so we're all OK.

On 10 Jan 2007, at 18:54, J D Freeman wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 06:34:29PM +0000, Karl Lattimer wrote:
>> Why it is good
> Ye gods, why are you top posting? it makes this thread really hard to
> follow.
>> Point 1, its not a phone, its a smart phone
> Oh Goody, lets take a common house hold item, and put smart in  
> front of
> it.
> Its not a toilet, its a smart toilet.
>> Point 2, it makes the web ubiquitous from GPRS HDPSA or WIFI which
>> isn't a bad thing as with 3G you should always get charged for data,
>> not call time
> ROTFL. Phone companies will love that.
>> Point 3, it has a fully fledged user interface and an excellent
>> multitouch display rather than buttons with nobbles, sure there is
>> the blind person using a phone issue, let them buy ones with nobbly
>> fives
> Its not just blind people tho, having tacktile feedback and the  
> like is
> very useful, ask anyone who has used those laser keyboard things.
>> Point 4, It has a qwerty keyboard, and a conversational history on
>> SMS which actually stores the messages on the flash memory, rather
>> than imposing a ridiculous limit on the user like 100 messages
>> because thats all the sim card can hold, this single point has turned
>> me off motorolla for good, sorry i had to vent it, rant over.
> Conversational history for text messages would be nice, but its not
> worth the money IMHO.
> And not all phones have a silly limit.
>> Point 5, Its also a good MP3 player, which is where most phones fall
>> flat on their face at
> Ah goody, so I can have some chav playing their RnB loudly on a train.
> Useful.
>> Point 6, You can have REAL software on it, not just java applets
>> which resemble 1980s gaming excellence
> And what do you do with the real software?
>> Point 7, ITS OSX!! It has OpenGL built in, it has real compositing of
>> graphics, real widgets not crappy dysfunctional mobile UI crap
> Ah yes, eye candy. Wonderful.
>> Point 8, Given the competition in the convergence mobile market.
>> Apple have won already.
> Hold on, lets take this point, then read your comment in the PS!?
>> OSX gives them lots of maneuvering room without killing off legacy
>> customers, for instance when someone invents a way to make wifi
>> roaming work without call interruption it can easily be built into
>> the iPhone via a software update, unlike other devices out there.
>> VOIP and alike are on the rise, if you're paying for bandwidth
>> charges, use VOIP and limit your data rate to say 50Kbps ;) by doing
>> so you can avoid costly 3G call charges. There is definite promise in
>> what apple have done, same as there is definite promise in what nokia
>> are doing with the n800 and the n770. The fact that apple have got it
>> announced and directed at a market that is ready for something which
>> is revolutionary in this sense is amazing. People are buying sub
>> standard smart phones, and complaining constantly at how much they're
>> crippled because of the UI. Apple have set the bar a little higher,
>> lets see what the outcome is.
> I agree that the current crop of "smart" phones are largely crap.  
> But I
> still do not remain convinced that the apple one will be any better.
> About the closest I have come to a usable unit is the nokia 9300, It
> works fine, with a nice UI, very nice keyboard, you can even touch  
> type
> on it.
>> PS. Criticizing something before you or anyone else has had the
>> chance to touch it, use it and make complaints about its downfalls is
>> a little silly, just because you find old nokia styles functional
>> doesn't mean we all think we should stay there. Another way of
>> putting this is, just because caves kept the rain off our backs
>> doesn't mean we don't have to build houses. Progress must happen
>> don't shout the innovators down, thats what killed jesus ;P
>  PS. Saying something has won already before you or anyone else has  
> had the
>  chance to touch it, use it and make complaints about its downfalls is
>  a little silly, just because you find old nokia styles nonfunctional
>  doesn't mean we all think we should move from there. Another way of
>  putting this is, just because we built houses doesn't mean the caves
>  weren't a good idea. Just cos Jesus said it doesn't mean its good.
>  Thats what kills the innovators.
>  :p
>  J
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> =qzky
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