[Klug-general] the future of KLUG
james snyder
james.snyder at linuxmail.org
Tue Jan 16 11:36:03 GMT 2007
Following the announcement of K to hand over the reigns.....
Colin has recently raised the question, "what is the future of KLUG?"
In response, further questions have been raised in the recent pub meeting in Maidstone, our bulletin board and the IRC meeting by KLUG members.
Here are just a few questions that some of us KLUGGERS have been thinking about.....
will KLUG arrange and host presentations for Linux users? if so, where in Kent? Rochester?
how often and where will KLUG members meet up in the pub in Maidstone / Canterbury / Kent?
Will KLUG have any informal conferences or round table discussions to present hot Linux related topics in a structured way? will these conferences be online or offline?
who else could give formal presentations?
which corporations / organizations could sponsor KLUG or encourage their employees to speak at KLUG events to promote their products with technically interesting content?
who could host KLUG?
does our KLUG mailing list bulletin provide an opportunity for KLUG members and guests to make announcements for jobs, assistance (free or professional consulting), and hardware?
will KLUG operate any installfests and can anyone teach stuff like linux configuration, and linux security?
does KLUG have or need an online blog presence yet?
could KLUG provide computer help to any kentish schools and non-profit organizations (and in return get a regular venue)?
Could KLUG perform any other outreach services for the community?
does KLUG need to be more or less of an online LUG?
Some members of KLUG in Dover or other out of the way places may feel isolated without a local LUG pub meet whilst having only a few other Linux users in their area.
Some Linux users from afar have recently expressed the difficulty of getting to KLUG meeting venues.
could KLUG hold a virtual video conference meeting, (ie with marratech.com)?
If e-meetings with web conferencing and videoconferencing were held using marratech compression for video and audio
could this make face to face info. sharing and co-browsing easier for online KLUG conferencing?
or should KLUG keep it simple and stick to just the mailing lists and pub meets?
Email: james.snyder at linuxmail.org
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