[Klug-general] the future of KLUG
Kevin Groves
kgroves at ksoft-creative-projects.co.uk
Tue Jan 16 21:55:05 GMT 2007
james snyder wrote:
> will KLUG arrange and host presentations for Linux users? if so, where in Kent? Rochester?
We did this once the month before we reformed. Worked OK.
> how often and where will KLUG members meet up in the pub in Maidstone / Canterbury / Kent?
Multiple meeting types are a good idea. One setting may not appeal to
someone else, means everyone gets a taste.
> Will KLUG have any informal conferences or round table discussions to present hot Linux related topics in a structured way? will these conferences be online or offline?
Difficult on two counts. 1) Linux issues move quickly. My talk I did at
a conference last March was written in January. By the time I presented
it a number of (significant) changes had to be made. 2) Could put some
off from attending if they dont want to know about the topic. Go too
techie and you loose half the membership.
> who else could give formal presentations?
Other lugs, contacts. Never ending supply sometimes.
> which corporations / organizations could sponsor KLUG or encourage their employees to speak at KLUG events to promote their products with technically interesting content?
mmm. Some may not like the idea. Could be hit and miss. Company secrets
and all.
> who could host KLUG?
My site is not going anywhere. If some else wants it then fine I have no
problems with that, but my site is already paid for.
> does our KLUG mailing list bulletin provide an opportunity for KLUG members and guests to make announcements for jobs, assistance (free or professional consulting), and hardware?
No problem adding another list.
> will KLUG operate any installfests and can anyone teach stuff like linux configuration, and linux security?
We did that once went well but a lot off effort. I was totally worn (and
stressed) out by the end of it.
> does KLUG have or need an online blog presence yet?
A day in the life of a Linux geek. Oh boy.
> could KLUG provide computer help to any kentish schools and non-profit organizations (and in return get a regular venue)?
Before we let the Maidstone Computer Club there was talk about teaching
CLAIT which looked a good idea for revenue but as usual its time and effort.
> does KLUG need to be more or less of an online LUG?
> Some members of KLUG in Dover or other out of the way places may feel isolated without a local LUG pub meet whilst having only a few other Linux users in their area.
There is a greater concentration of LUG members in the Folkestone area
from conversations I've had in the past.
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